Serving Our Community For 15+ Years!

Who Is Soldiers Of Mercy?
After many years of experience working with the youth, Sebastian Zapata and Arlene Milagros Carratala were inspired by the Holy Spirit to form Soldiers of Mercy Catholic Youth Ministry. Soldiers Of Mercy was founded on January 25, 2009, with the launching of our unique New Life New Beginning Catholic Youth Retreat. The focus and charism of our youth ministry is to help educate the youth against the errors and confusions of the world by providing them with an effective support system. Together with the SOM Community they can learn the faith and discover their God-given purpose and vocation. The spiritual aspect of our Leadership Development Program is based on the principal teachings of the Catholic Faith. The youth who join our program learn to love God and the Church profoundly through living an active sacramental and ministerial life. The practical aspect of our program equips them with basic tools of organization, time management, proper study skills, healthy living, human relations and communication, talent development, public speaking skills and many other abilities needed to excel in every aspect of life including home, school, work and ministry. These tools help them to achieve success in their careers and family life. For over fifteen years our community has grown and along with the Youth Ministry has founded Soldiers of Mercy Young Adults, Kadets of Mercy Kids Ministry, and is on track to opening Soldiers of Mercy Married Couples.

Our Mission!
Our mission is to spread Christ’s love through the Catholic Church globally by forming leaders that will travel around the world founding Soldiers of Mercy Inc. communities as a service to Catholic parishes globally. Our charisma is to teach the youth to know and love God and Neighbor through a life of service closely united to their Catholic parish community. We spread that love through various works of mercy including: teaching the children, visiting the elderly and sick, promoting chastity and extending the pro-life movement.
Our Ministry Prayer
Immaculate Heart of Mary, I give you my heart, my soul and my will. Teach me to be in all things a faithful and courageous Soldier of Mercy. Help me to prepare, form and live my life in such a way that brings honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Unite all my thoughts, words and actions to yours, Heavenly Mother, so that together we may repair the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus by fulfilling perfectly God's holy will. Impress on my heart that true leadership is constant and humble service in your heavenly Army. May we battle against hatred, injustice and religious indifference by spreading God's love and mercy to children, the sick and elderly, the unborn and all those who need your love. Keep all the Soldiers Of Mercy sealed with the Precious Blood of Jesus and enfolded in your Mantle of Love. Form in us a true devotion to the Holy Rosary and a profound love for our Eucharist Lord so we may extend the Kingdom of God to the ends of the Earth. Lead us toward our purpose as we march onward to fulfill our Lord's request to his apostles: "Go and make disciples of all nations." Amen.