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Kadets Specialist

A Founding Officer is promoted to this rank by establishing a branch of our youth ministry in their local parish. Each Founding Officer together with their team of Sub-Directors, formators and or Leaders inspire and lead the youth of their parish by having retreats and follow-ups for the teens of their parish and neighboring communities.

Kadets Ministry Specialist – is responsible for overseeing and implementing the themes of the week from the yearly curriculum, by assigning tasks to different members of KOM Core Group to execute during the children's ministry.  She will arrange SOM Music Ministry to be present during all group gatherings.  She will assure all materials for arts and crafts/ activities or games are present for each meeting.  And she will MC and animate the children's group with her lively personality encouraging full participation from all children.




Sub-Director Rank is for our leadership team members who have a strong prayer life and are responsible for overseeing the Formators and help them with their leaders’ ongoing development. Sub-directors have a sound understanding of our Faith: Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

Alison Gaitan

Sub-Director Rank is for our leadership team members who have a strong prayer life and are responsible for overseeing the Formators and help them with their leaders’ ongoing development. Sub-directors have a sound understanding of our Faith: Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

Maria Villa

Sub-Director Rank is for our leadership team members who have a strong prayer life and are responsible for overseeing the Formators and help them with their leaders’ ongoing development. Sub-directors have a sound understanding of our Faith: Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

Sophia Martinez


Formator rank is responsible for making sure all our ministry’s leaders are keeping up with their prayers and formation. They maintain order in our ministry teaching the way a true disciple of Christ lives.  As formators they focus all of their attention on their fellow leaders’ development and help them get closer to Christ by having, themselves, a true relationship with God.

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|| Benjamin || Rafael || Sebastian || Marcos || Fernando ||

|| Diana || Catalina || Nicole ||  Angie ||


|| Diego || Pablo ||



Leader rank has graduated from the LDP program by taking the full six-month formation of retreats, workshops, ministries and follow ups and is now responsible for leading members by example. As leaders, they learn the essentials of directing retreats and workshops and have the opportunity of serving in our LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM.


|| Christopher || Jonathan || Johann || Jacob ||

|| Philyne || Katherine || Elizabeth || Carolina || Sofia || Erika || Isabella || 


|| Ayleen || Bryan || Claudia || Lance || Marta || Valentina ||



This is where it all begins. By enrolling in our L.D.P. you have taken the introduction Retreat New Life New Beginning and have shown an interest in our S.O.M. Ministry. Our L.D.P. will help form the youth of the Church into future leaders of our ministry and society. Once you join our program you have a series of retreats, workshops, ministries, and follow-ups for 6 months before you can graduate our ministry and receive the humble rank of Leader.

|| Adriana || Ana || Anthony || Armando  || Benjamin || Brian ||  Bryan || Carolina || Claudia ||  Daniel  ||  Daniela  ||


|| Dario || Dylan || Eden || Eduardo || Elizabeth || Erika || Gabriela || Georgina || Isabella || Jaleen ||


|| Jonathan || Lance || Marcos || Maricela ||  Miranda || Nicole G || Nicole S || 


|| Sebastian L || Sebastian V || Vanessa || Veronica || Yvette ||


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