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You May Ask........WHAT'S A Youth Retreat?

Anchor 1

A Catholic Youth Retreat is a mini pilgrimage where you go for a weekend or an entire week to spend your time retreating from the world while learning about the Catholic Faith, in quiet contemplation of God. It is a time of prayer and reflection.

Each Catholic retreat is different and has a unique purpose. Our New Life New Beginning Retreat is prepared and designed for our members to have a personal encounter with God and to renew their Faith.  All our retreats are done by the youth for the youth.

A retreat is a withdrawal from ordinary activities for a period of time to commune with God. Retreaters hope for a deeper conversion, purification and spiritual growth.

New Life

New Beginning

Yearly on January or Febrearey

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A True Vacation

​N.L.N.B Retreat Required

What's Your Purpose?

​N.L.N.B Retreat Required


New Life New Beginning

Next New Life Retreat is this Upcoming January

This is the induction retreat into our Youth Ministry where you will learn the foundations of our Faith: Sacred Scripture, and Tradition. This introduction Retreat is developed to expose the truths of the Faith through a series of Talks, Activities and Dynamics so teens may have a personal encounter with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Come have a personal encounter with Jesus.  He is inviting you to hope in a better future. New life New Beginning is a Catholic youth retreat for teens, ages 13 to 18. This Retreat is designed to have a personal Encounter with God. This retreat is given


Listening To God Through Inspirational Talks!

Angie, Founding Director, explaining the importance of the Sacrament of Confession.  Our ministry is grounded in the Catholic Faith and we teach our members to love and live the sacraments fully.

Singing = Prayer x 2!

Founding Director, Sebastian, aka Sebas, working the crowd, as he teaches the new retreaters our classic "Alabanzas" (Praise and Worship).  This potpourri of songs is so fun and catchy that the kids find themselves singing and dancing alone in their houses way past the retreat has ended. 

God And His Talented Soldiers!

Founding Officer Jason playing his trade mark mediation music on guitar.  He also plays piano and sings.  He brings a lot more than just music since he opened the St. Barbara Branch of SOM in Hialeah FL, together with Wendy.  

David Marin speaks of God's love

David was directing this New Life New Beginning.  Here he was communicating God's love to a new group retreater.  He grew much in our ministry over the years and is now Brother David Marin of the Religious Community Legionaries of Christ, where he is studying for the priesthood.

This January - See you Soon

A True Vacation

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This retreat allows us to travel to Colombia and spend a week at our retreat center in quiet reflection and in prayerful company.  We also do hands on mission work with 6 orphanages by giving the children retreats and spiritual workshops.  Christ is allowing us to spend time with him and experience true happiness through serving others.

Mission Retreat @Colombia !

Founding Directors Sebastian and Juan taking Our Miami branches to Colombia for our True Vacation Retreat.  In this retreat our leadership team is given the opportunity to meet and work side by side with Soldiers of Mercy Colombia branch members.  During their stay they visit orphanages and convents in order to perpetuate the missionary work that is part of our curriculum. 

Our Colombian Orphanage 

Working with the girls of this orphanage is a very rewarding experience.  Their love and joy helps us to appreciate more all the blessings God has given us.

Little Joys Of God

Singing and telling stories are a favorite past time at this home for girls.  They love when we visit with them!  Working together in community is a great privilege.  It's very fulfilling to reach out and give of yourself to those who need a hand.  

Hanging Out With The Sisters

Sebastian with Sister Diana at the Convent of Las Teresitas.  These cloistered nuns are the spiritual mothers of Soldiers of Mercy.  Its an all day trip to their convent up in the mountains of Colombia.  They converse with and sing for us when we visit.  The most rewarding part of the trip is to enter their private chapel and pray the liturgy of the hours with them.  

Visiting Our Favorite Mother Superior 

Visiting with La Madre Alicia, Foundress of Ave Maria Convent in Colombia.  Their charism is evangelization through music.  She also is a prayer warrior and gives our ministry a spiritual boost.  We are blessed to have so much prayer backing up Soldiers of Mercy Catholic Youth Ministry.    

What's Your Purpose?

This is our Graduation Retreat where our LDP Candidates graduate from our Program to become leaders in our ministry.  It is a powerful, silent, vocational retreat that allows the youth to hear talks from different Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, nuns, religious or married people exposing to them the possibilities of where the Lord may be calling them to serve Him. Where do we go from here?  Find your mission and your purpose in life.

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