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You May Ask........WHAT'S A WorkShop?

Anchor 1

Together we gain the tools we need to be everything God created us to be. Faithful, holy and successful people. Through the acts of listening, staying quiet, and allowing ourselves to be one with the holy spirit we are able to get these tools and be able to see what our Lord has in store for us. Christ is ready, are you?


Perfect Date

Come learn the meaning of true love. Love that is pure, holy and everlasting. This one day workshop reveals truths of the Church on Themes like: Dating, Marriage and Sexuality and basic Christian Morality.  “If we love one another, God lives in union with us, and his love is made perfect in us.”- 1 John 4:12.

Our One True Love:

Angie, Founding Director, Inspiring youth to fall in love with Jesus in order to spread the word of God to all those who they encounter.

Listen Up! God's Speaking To You!  

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus says,
"Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."                           
Our youth listen and take notes on how to be pure and modest children of God.

Talk On God's Love

Mateo, Founding Officer, Speaks about how our only job here on earth is to win souls for God so that he may be adored and glorified.


He is teaching our youth that the only true love is the love that God has given us.


Living The Passion

This Lenten workshop helps us to meditate on Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. Through it we see to what extreme God goes in order for us to know the depth of his love for us.  It encourages young people to offer themselves as a living sacrifice, dying to their weaknesses and tendencies daily to achieve that unity with Christ which He has in store for us through holiness.  “But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins. Upon him was the punishment that makes us whole; by his stripes we were healed.”- Isaiah 53:5.

Lenten Workshop in Sanctuary of Schoenstatt

It's so important to take time during the year to reflect on your life.  That's why the Church gives us the season of Lent to gauge our closeness to the Lord.  We retreat to the desert to hear the voice of God.

We come together as a community to learn and pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Soldiers prepare their hearts for fulfill God's promise and mission for their life.


After the Mass, the next most perfect prayer is to sit in the presence of Our Living God.  Thank you Jesus for the gift of the Eucharist.

Sebas Pose

After a long workshop day, we take a new family portrait to include our new members!

Jason w/ Sky

Jason waiting on his cue to begin meditation music.

Divine Prayer 

Christ communicates with us through prayer.  What do we need to listen for?  How am I to pray? What is God trying to tell me through his amazing gift of prayer? How is God trying to heal me through prayer and meditation?  Psalm 145:18- “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.”

We are called to build the kingdom of God.   
How are we forming and laying our bricks down? Let us prepare our materials with love and devotion.


Soldiers' Dynamic

Soldiers listen and do guided meditation on our Lord's passion.  We learn to unite to his passion.

Thoughts on Crucifixion

How often do we cruify Our Lord with our actions? Let us repent and renew our relationship with God.

Passion Of Christ Talk 

All the Soldiers paying close attention to the talk during the Divine Prayer workshop.

Call Of Duty

This workshop helps show members who their enemy is and gives them the tools to fight diligently against sin by developing their virtues.  1 Chronicles 16:11- “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”

Who's your enemy? What's your weakness?
How do you combat in the daily war?

That's what this workshop teaches you!

Prayer for 1st Talk

We believe in the power of prayer! We are the voice, but the Holy Spirit forms the words for us to communicate!

Duwon works it

Sub-director Duwon gives a message of hope to retreaters at the 2016 COD retreat.

Reflection Time

Self reflection questions are great in helping you to know yourself, God, and the relationship you have with Him!

Call of Dduty
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